Inspiration and Writing Services

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Fall in love with your own ideas. 

Invoke for brainstorming, motivation, encouragement, and confidence-building services.

Give those tremulous and wild ideas a place to be heard, tested, polished. An entire session dedicated to the words spilling out of your mouth; a chance to say everything out loud to an audience eager to listen. We’ll banish any doubts blocking your path to bring your vision to life. Optional writing time with an on-call support available. The time is yours.

Packages start at $100 for a 60-minute video or phone session.


I am a conduit between you and your own muse. I see the magic in your ideas.


What You’ll Get

Muse Session:

  • One hour dedicated to your ideas and writing, customized to your current needs
  • Brainstorming and/or writing sessions
  • A transcript and/or audio recording of your session (optional)
  • Individual or private group sessions available

Optional Services:

  • Reflections: An edited transcript of your session with additional insights and guidance (+75)
  • Note-taking: Your ideas presented in easy-to-read format (+50)

Invoke directly here:

Need just a little help? Send entreaties to @Heather_Senz on Twitter.

For more information or to discuss writing opportunities, send inquiries to